Connecting Planning Professionals and Students in Riverside & San Bernardino Counties



General Documents

  1. IES-APA Bylaws (December 2019)
  2. 10 Reasons to become an APA member
  3. CA-APA Legislation Page
  4. CalPlanner Article – Leisa Lukes
  5. CalPlanner Article – Miguel Vazquez
  6. National APA Award for Cathedral City
  7. National APA – YouTube Channel
  8. IES-APA YouTube Channel


  1. Lunch and Learn: RHNA and Housing PowerPoint



General Plans as a Tool for Social Equity – June 8, 2017

  1. IES-APA June Workshop_Social Equity and Planning – Altshuler and Baca 06-08-17
  2. CalEnviroScreen_San Bernardino
  3. CalEnviroScreen_Palm Springs
  4. CalEnviroScreen_Coachella
  5. IES-APA – Policy Handout
  6. IES-APA – Data Sheets
  7. IES-APA – Data Activity

AB52 Workshop – September 23, 2015

  1. AB52_Workshop_Presentation
  2. AB52_Technical_Advisory_DRAFT
  3. AB52_Legislation
  4. AB52_Flow_Chart

Workshop Presentations

  1. Post Redevelopment Financing
  2. The 6th Annual Historical Symposium
  3. What’s Happening in the City of Riverside
  4. SCAG 2016 RTP Presentation
  5. Renewable Energy Workshop 11-19-2014
  6. IES-APA, AEP – October Workshop – Medical & Recreational Marijuana – October 2016