Connecting Planning Professionals and Students in Riverside & San Bernardino Counties

2020 Awards

Thank you to everyone who took time to submit applications for the IES-APA 2020 Awards. Because of all of your hard work, the Awards Jury has 14 applications to review covering 6 categories with multiple applications in the Best Practices, Comprehensive Plan – Large and Small Jurisdictions, Healthy Communities, Transportation Planning, and Urban Design. The Awards Jury had met in mid-May and reviewed all applications received for our 2020 Awards. Congratulations to all who had submitted and have been recognized!

2020 IES-APA Award Recipients:

Number Project Jurisdiction/Company Category Result
1 Menifee Comprehensive Plan Development Code Update City of Menifee Best Practices Category Winner
2 Yucapia Citywide Design Guidelines RRM Design Group Best Practices Merit Award
3 2020 HQTA Pilot Program Gruen Association Best Practices Merit Award
4 Prado Regional Park Master Plan KTUA Comprehensive Plan- Large Jurisdiction Category Winner
5 City of La Quinta 111 Corridor Study City of La Quinta Comprehensive Plan- Small Jurisdiction Category Winner
6 Indio Safe Routes to School Master Plan KOA Healthy Communities Category Winner
7 East Coachella Valley Action Plan for Climate Resilience CVAG Innovation in Green Community Planning Merit Award
8 Resilient IE Placeworks Innovation in Green Community Planning Category Winner
9 Etiwanda Heights Neighborhood & Conservation Plan City of Rancho Cucamonga / Sargent Town Planning Innovation in Green Community Planning Merit Award
10 Town of Apple Valley SR 18 Corridor Plan KOA Transportation  Category Winner
11 Morongo Basis Active Transportation Plan KOA Transportation  Merit Award
12 Indio Complete Streets & Drainage Master Plan KOA Transportation  Merit Award
13 South Colton Livable Corridor Plan Dudek Urban Design Award Merit Award
14 Pueblo Viejo Urban Design Plan MBI Urban Design Award Category Winner